About Me

Hello, my name is Harold , but u can call me Danteharold, know a little more about me, apart from programming :)


My Hobbies


Sometimes with my headphones, I feel like I'm not in reality and it's very true that music inspires what u do.


I like watching content online, which are summaries of movies and data that u did not know


Nothing more pleasant than spending time with ur family, and spending time together

My Series

Movies And Music

No adult believes three kids who claim that a neighborhood residence is a living creature that poses a danger. With Halloween approaching, the trio must find a way to destroy their structure before innocent children are affected.
One of the emblematic songs within the career of Los Enanitos Verdes is "Lamento boliviano", from the album Big bang (1994).
An insane kidnapper known as Jigsaw whose game is to force his captives to harm themselves or others in order to stay alive.
Los Prisioneros has been one of the best-selling groups in the Chilean record industry and the popularity of their songs extends throughout Latin America.